
Blazing Their Own Path


It’s sometimes tough to be the first: the firstborn, 你的第一个朋友从社区游泳池的高台跳水跳下来, 第一个发明某物或第一个分享新想法或发现的人.


第一代大学生通常被定义为父母或监护人没有完成四年制学院或大学学位的人. According to Penn State statistics, 在大学公园校区和联邦校区,大约25%的本科学生是第一代. 在十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校,大约37%的学生是第一代.

These students are part of a demographic with unique challenges, such as lack of parental guidance, financial pressures and debt, 学院准备, and lack of awareness about campus resources. These can lead to isolation and marginalization, often leaving students feeling invisible, like they don’t fit in or like they aren’t good enough for college.

认识到帮助第一代学生适应大学生活的重要性, supporting them through challenges, and celebrating their successes, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 chartered membership of Alpha Alpha Alpha, 或Tri-Alpha, Honor Society in the fall of 2023 and became the Theta Chi Chapter.

汉斯·埃斯特万, cybersecurity analytics and operations major, accepts his certificate and pin at the induction ceremony.

汉斯·埃斯特万, cybersecurity analytics and operations major, accepts his certificate and pin at the induction ceremony.

Credit: Marissa Carney

Tri-Alpha成立于2018年,是美国唯一一个面向第一代学生的荣誉社团. Theta Chi是十大网投平台信誉排行榜的第四个三阿尔法分会:十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿宾顿分校和十大网投平台信誉排行榜利哈伊谷分校之前设立了他们的分会, and University Park launched its own this year.

4月5日, 43 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 students, 教师, and staff were the first inductees into the college’s chapter.

“第一代学生为我们的校园带来了许多独特的观点和技能,使我们更加强大,” says Sue Patterson, director of Diversity, 股本, 包容, 和归属感. “当你是第一代人口中的一员时,取得这种程度的学术成功是值得注意的,应该受到尊重.”

“这对我来说很有声望,”萨拉·海德(Sara Hyde)说,她是一名第一代环境研究专业的学生. “My family has struggled, but they paved the way for me to be able to do this, and now we can celebrate that.”

Anisa米勒, an 阿尔图纳 native and psychology major, listens to remarks during the induction ceremony.

Anisa米勒, an 阿尔图纳 native and psychology major, listens to remarks during the induction ceremony.

Credit: Marissa Carney

对于第一代来说,进入大学是一种成功,而留在大学则是另一种成功. 障碍包括奖学金和经济援助,以及平衡全职或兼职工作和家庭责任以及信贷负担. When things get tough, 资金枯竭, or when it seems as though a degree isn’t worth the hassle, Tri-Alpha 教师 and staff can step in as mentors and support systems.

“我相信教师的知名度对这些学生来说至关重要,Lara La Dage说, associate professor of biology, a first-generation student herself, and Tri-Alpha member. “我属于高等教育中几个代表性不足的群体,所以我敏锐地意识到知名度的重要性, 以及自我认同如何能成为具有相似人口特征的学生的锚点.”

拉达奇接着说,这些教职员工导师可以使十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校第一代大学生的经历正常化. They can foster a community where first-gens feel seen and understood, 建立联系, and build a network of those dedicated to first-gen success.



Credit: Marissa Carney

艾琳Shumac, a student success advocate at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, was excited to learn about and join Tri-Alpha. 她说,她认为这是一个极好的机会,以积极的方式突出第一代的身份,并提供了合作的机会, 追求, and celebrate with likeminded individuals.

“我很荣幸能让学生们看到我是一个平易近人的人,只要他们需要或喜欢,我就会和他们一起踏上教育之旅. By having intentional communication with our first-gen students, we can get to know their unique challenges, nourish their gifts and talents, and sincerely applaud their accomplishments.”

Dr. 罗恩Darbeau, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 chancellor, was inducted into the society himself, but also addressed other inductees, specifically students. 他指出,成为ati - alpha会员不仅仅是为了日后写在简历上,而是为了向潜在雇主和其他专业人士证明他们具有卓越的学术能力和奉献精神.

“Do not underestimate the importance of this on your life. A college degree opens doors, and when those doors are stubborn, a college degree will knock them down. 你做什么, you do for yourself, 但是上帝啊, there are troves of people waiting to be inspired by you. 你做什么 matters.”



Credit: Marissa Carney

That message hit home for Jadie Pensyl, a senior majoring in communications with a minor in entrepreneurship. 她上大学并完成学业的最大动力之一是她的妹妹. “我来自一个没有人上过大学的家庭,母亲也去世了, 我真的以为我能成为我妹妹的好榜样,通过上大学,树立标准. 我想是的,因为她说她想上大学,而她只有14岁. It’s wonderful to see that I’ve been a good influence on her.”

Sierra Snigier graduated from 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 in 2020, the first in her family to earn a college degree. 目前,她在家乡特拉华州西福德市担任营销助理.

她鼓励她的第一代同胞们加入校园俱乐部和组织,这可以带来一个网络世界, 奖学金, 实习, 和机会.

But above all, “Be proud you’re there. 你有影响力.”

达博在就职典礼上对学生们说:“这是一条艰难的道路。. “要成为第一名需要付出很多,你们中没有一个人缺乏做这件事并做好的心态或技能. 你并不孤单,我们会提醒你你拥有的力量和潜能. I am proud of each and every one of you for being brave enough, being inspired enough to walk this journey.”

十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 will open membership to alumni beginning this fall, and induction ceremonies will be held each semester.

十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 Tri-Alpha Induction Ceremony

周四, 4月4日, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校举办了Theta Chi Alpha Alpha Alpha分会的成立典礼, an honor society for first-generation college students.